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How is Buffy like the Big Screen Buffy?


Did you ever want to know what the differences between Buffy the show we love and Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie with Kristy Swanson?

1. In Buffy the movie, Buffy has a watcher named Merrick and we all know that in BTVS series, Buffy has Rupert Giles and Wesley.

2. In the movie, Buffy dates a mortal the whole time, and in Buffy she had the best relationship with Angel, the vampire.

3.In the movie, Buffy uses a lot of gymnastics to fight and could be easily killed and in BTVS, Buffy uses some gymnastics but she throws hard punches and kicks and uses weapons.

4. Both Buffy's have different fashion sense.

5. Buffy's friends in the movie don't seem to care about her and don't want to be friends with her once they find out she is the slayer and Buffy's friends in the series really care about her and want to help her.